26 August 2022

Head Girl Ruby secured five Grade 9s and three Grade 8s.

“I was surprised, I had worked hard but when I opened the envelope I was completely shocked. One of the papers in French was really difficult but when I saw a Grade 9 for that I was happy.

“I am going to Newman College to study Fine Art, French and Graphics.

“I have loved the community at Holy Cross, especially during lockdown when we wrote letters to the elderly. I still have mine – it was so lovely.”

Last year’s Head Boy Benjamin celebrated an amazing clean sweep with 11 Grade 9s!

He said his mum and dad were so proud of his achievement.

“I knew I had the chance to do it but there were a few I wasn’t sure about like Religious Studies and Further Maths.

When I opened the envelope and saw it was all 9s, I was happy!

I am going to Runshaw College to study Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Spanish, all subjects I really enjoy.

I have no idea what I want to do in the future!

I have loved my time at Holy Cross, everyone has been so supportive and helpful and there has been the chance to take part in a lot of activities. The school allows you more opportunities, such as science trips, which help you in the subjects.”

Benjamin was just one of a large number of success stories for our pupils after a difficult few years with the pandemic.

Head teacher Mr Gaughan said: “I am delighted with this year’s exam results. They are, overall, extremely good and a reflection of the standards and aspirations that we have at Holy Cross.

“More importantly they represent the resilience and hard work of our pupils whose education has been so disrupted over the last three years.

“They reflect how well our pupils engaged with remote learning but more than that, they show the extent to which our pupils refused to be defined by lockdown restrictions and made sure they looked forward and were positive. I couldn’t be prouder of them and they should be proud of themselves.

Lola achieved a stunning nine Grade 9s in her GCSE’s – and admitted her English results shocked her!

“I have never achieved a 9 in English before in all my time at school but I got a Grade 9 in English Language and English Literature. I did work really hard so I am happy.

“I am going to Runshaw College to study Biology, Economics, Maths and Geography but have no idea what I want to do in my future career!”

Sophie celebrated five Grade 9s and five Grade 8s.

“I achieved a Grade 9 in French, Spanish and Maths and I want to study them at Runshaw College alongside Law.

“I did not expect a Grade 8 in RE at all so I was shocked when I saw that – and delighted!

“In the future I want to do something with languages, after going to university.

“I enjoyed my time at Holy Cross, the residential trips were exciting and there was always loads of things to do. I enjoyed playing table tennis in PE!”

Ella secured five Grade 9s and three Grade 8s and will go to Runshaw College.

“I was happy I got Grade 9s in both English Language and English Literature. I didn’t expect that! I must admit I didn’t sleep much the night before I collected the results as I was so nervous.

“I want to study Spanish, History, Psychology A-Levels. I got a 9 in Spanish so that’s something I definitely want to continue.

“I have loved Holy Cross and all the different opportunities we have had there. We had a really lot of support for exam preparation and it shows in the results.”

Freya admitted she was a bit choked when she opened her examination envelope to see five Grade 9s and three Grade 8s.

“I was surprised! I got Grade 9 in Maths, Physics, English Language, Biology and Geography. I want to go to Runshaw College and study Biology, Economic and Geography A-Levels.”

Alfie celebrated seven Grade 9s and three Grade 8s.

“I thought I had failed my Spanish, it was a shocker, so I couldn’t believe it when I saw a Grade 9!

“I want to go to Lancashire University College of Maths at Newman College and study Maths, Further Maths and all three sciences. I am probably pushing myself a bit but I can always drop one if I struggle!

“The teachers at Holy Cross have been great and it was sad going into the collect results to think it will be the last time!”

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