Mrs E Dempsey – SENDCo

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Learning Support Intent

Within Learning Support, there is a proactive, personalised, child-centred approach to support our pupils with SEND and Additional Needs.  We have pupils with a range of disabilities and learning needs, who are fully integrated into the life of the school, and great emphasis is placed on providing support that ensures pupils can access a broad, balanced curriculum that is appropriate to their needs, but is also ambitious, challenging and inclusive.  Every teacher is a teacher of SEND, and our teachers adapt their curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils by differentiating and scaffolding learning, to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximised.  The Learning Support Department works closely with teaching staff to provide guidance in how to meet the needs of SEND pupils in the classroom.

We have a team of experienced Teaching Assistants, who provide in-class support, and who lead on a personalised approach to interventions, for a range of learning difficulties.  That support is tailored, so that each pupil receives bespoke provision through group and 1-1 interventions, such as: literacy and numeracy, IDL, and social and life skills.  We also endeavour to provide personalised Social Skills programmes and support for Social and Emotional difficulties, be this through expert TA guidance, the School Counsellor, or via external agencies.

Our Learning Support intent is underpinned by the ethos and belief that all pupils at Holy Cross should have experience of a broad curriculum.  Through our support, we strive to ensure that SEND and Additional Needs pupils are given the personalised skills and guidance to be fully included in school life, and to be inquisitive and independent learners outside of the classroom and beyond.

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