Curriculum Intent

At Holy Cross, our curriculum is based on our school Mission Statement:

“I have come that they may have life and have it to  the full” (John 10:10)

At Holy Cross this means:

Love God

Work Hard

Be Kind

Our Curriculum Intent is:

  • Ambitious and Challenging
  • Broad and Balanced
  • Equality for All

At Holy Cross we remain committed to ensuring that every pupil is given the opportunity to flourish across a broad and balanced curriculum.  Our curriculum is ambitious and challenging; it allows all pupils to experience a rich and engaging curriculum that will enable them to confidently make independent choices about their future ambitions and make significant contributions to the wider world.  At the heart of our curriculum design is a shared commitment to sequence and adapt a programme of study that considers our local context and the individual needs of each pupil.  All pupils experience quality first teaching and we expect them to display a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning.  We view every child as unique, made in God’s own image, and we encourage and support every pupil to become the very best version of themselves.  We do this by developing pupils’ moral principles, promoting tolerance and becoming advocates for social equality and Christian values.

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Structure 2022-2023

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