
Our Alternative Curriculum provides an alternative pathway that is individualised, inspirational and well-considered.  It recognises the wide range of complex learning needs and/or social and emotional needs, enabling them to engage in learning, overcome barriers and to be supported across the whole curriculum.  This pathway supports those pupils who need that extra time, support and guidance, in order to maximise their learning and potential.

The Alternative Curriculum is designed to help identified pupils develop skills for life: concentration; perseverance; cooperation and imagination.  Through the variety of modules on the NOCN Level 2 course, alongside the bespoke learning opportunities during Alternative Curriculum time, or during the Work-Related Learning programme, pupils are able to build cultural capital and make a lasting positive contribution to the school community and the wider society.  The Alternative Curriculum is challenging.  It is broad, balanced and covers a wide range of subject areas, ensuring pupils have the opportunity to discover their individual strengths and interests, in order to make well-informed choices for their future pathways.

Pupils are identified for the Alternative Curriculum by a range of personalised criteria, and each situation is carefully considered.  This could be:

  • A recommendation from the SENDCo, Head of Year or other pastoral staff, based on progress data, learning needs, SEND or social and emotional issues
  • Pupils with additional needs have shown a skill, aptitude or interest in a particular career
  • Pupil may need extra support and guidance to meet age-related expectations
  • A recommendation from another professional (e.g Educational Psychologist, GP, school nurse, specialist teacher)
Pathway Poster - Alternative Curriculum v2

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