03 September 2023

GCSE Results 2023

Headteacher Mr Gaughan praised the hard work and resilience of the Class of 2023 as they celebrated superb GCSE results.  Mr Gaughan said: “We are delighted with our results which reflect the hard work, resilience and determination of our pupils and the dedication and skills of our staff.   “As ever there are some tremendous individual results and over a fifth of our pupils achieved Grade 9s.  I am very proud of all our pupils and wish them every success in the next stages of their education.”

Faye achieved a stunning NINE Grade 9s along with two Grade 8s.

Faye wants to be a cardiothoracic surgeon – they specialise in operating on the heart, lungs and other thoracic (chest) organs.
“I want to go to Runshaw College and study Maths, Chemistry and Biology.”

Luke celebrated an amazing seven Grade 9s, two Grade 8s and one Grade 7 in his GCSEs.

He had said previously he wanted to go to Cardinal Newman College and study three A levels, including Politics, Law and either English Literature or Modern History.

Jorga achieved a brilliant six Grade 9s and four Grade 8s.

She got five Grade 9s in her mocks and said she wanted to better it and she certainly did.
”I am just glad I have been consistent,” said Jorja. “I was shocked to get a Grade 8 in French, I have never got a Grade 8 in my life so it came at the right time.
”I have signed up to Cardinal Newman College to do Biology and Maths and I have also chosen Psychology but I am going to do a few lessons in Chemistry to see what I think as I may change my mind. I definitely want to work with animals in the future.
”I will miss my friends most on leaving Holy Cross. I am used to being in the same classes as them and, although some are coming to Cardinal Newman, we are not taking the same subjects.”

Oliver knew he had some big decisions to make 24 hours after his results as he decided where to go next!

Oliver celebrated four Grade 9s in History, Religious Studies, Maths and Polish as well as three Grade 8s and four Grade 7s.

“I was debating between LUSoM or Cardinal Newman College.
“I want to study Further Maths, Computer Science and Economics.
“I felt I did pretty well in my GCSEs so I am happy. I like to keep my options open!
“I have loved my time at Holy Cross, it’s been a great experience.”

Callum admitted getting a Grade 9 in History has left him a bit shocked!

Callum also achieved Grade 9s in all the sciences and Religious Studies but admitted: “I was so surprised to get a Grade 9 in History as I didn’t finish the last question! I thought it would be lower.”  Callum is off to Runshaw College to study Physics, Maths and Chemistry.
“I want to study to PhD level and be a research scientist.
“I have loved my time at Holy Cross, it’s been such a friendly school, the teachers have been so helpful and it’s a great environment.”

Aaron felt his results were ‘pretty good’ – in fact they were pretty amazing!

Aaron achieved three Grade 9s, three Grade 8s and three Grade 7s among his results.

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