Winners of the Faraday Challenge!

27 February 2015

Holy Cross were one of just 50 schools nationwide to host the IET Faraday Challenge and our students became engineers for the day.

The school was chosen  by the Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) and 38 of our Year Eight students – six teams of six students – researched, designed and built solutions to real engineering problems.

The days are part of IET’s commitment to show young people the benefits of careers within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Holy Cross’s winning team consisted of Charlotte L, Ella, Charlotte H, Mia, James and Brandon.

The students were presented with a trophy and their scores will be added to a leaderboard.

If the team score in the top three throughout the country, they will travel to London to represent Holy Cross in the final of the competition and could win £1,000 for the school.

Holly Margerison, Faraday Education Manager, said: “Students who take part in the Faraday Challenge Days experience hands-on design and practical work giving them a peek into the life of a real engineer, the variety of engineering out there and the central role it plays in our everyday lives.

“There is huge demand for new engineers and technicians and we’re confident that this will challenge young people’s perceptions of engineers and hopefully make them consider engineering as a career choice.”
