Pupil talks his way into getting free walkie talkies

11 May 2015


Holy Cross are hearing student, Ruari loud and clear after he proved a top wheeler and dealer to acquire some free walky-talkies for the school.

The Year 11 student has been involved in a number of charity events at school and, in their recent fundraising Strictly Come Dancing evening, he decided he wanted to make life easier for everyone helping out behind the scenes.

“We were doing Strictly Come Dancing with staff and pupils to raise money for a new school minibus,” said Ruari, who is 16.

“I have taken part in a number of charity events at the school and it’s always hard liaising and communicating with fellow helpers to make sure everyone is where they should be.

“So I decided to ring Binatone and ask for some walky-talkies. I spoke to their customer services department and they put me through to the product manager and he sent eight to the school, which was great.

“They are worth around £90 for a set of two so it was an achievement to get them and they worked well.”

Rauri is no stranger to sweet talking companies and asking for items to help the school.

“We were having a sponsored leg wax at the school for one charity event so I asked Tesco for some leg waxing kits and they sent them to the school free of charge. I never thought I would get them off such a big supermarket!

“I guess I am a bit cheeky and people will say I talk too much, especially my teachers, but I think if you don’t ask then you don’t get.

“I am a bit of an entrepreneur – I have got a couple of deals done. I can be quite persuasive!”

Rauri, who is a senior prefect, is a determined character and has already decided on his future.

“I am about to take my GCSE’s and I have applied for a business management apprenticeship at BAE Systems. I don’t want to do A-Levels as I just want to get on and work – I am just waiting to hear.”