A Paralympian mentors Holy Cross Pupils!

12 May 2015


Rik Waddon, who is a Sky Living for Sport, athlete mentor, is a British road and track racing cyclist and a silver medal winner in both the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Paralympics.  He visited Holy Cross Catholic High School, Chorley on Wednesday 29th April. Rik delivered his chosen topic; ‘Six keys to Success’, as a workshop, a physical activity and completed the sessions with a review.

Rik worked with a diverse group of pupils from Year 8 through to Year 10. The Year 8 pupils who were timetabled for a PE dance lesson were a mixed class of boys and girls, who thoroughly engaged in Rik’s activity session.

The Year 9 pupils were a target group of boys who have been working on a Chorley Schools’ Sports Partnership programme called TALL (targeted active lifestyle learning). Rik delivered a motivational PowerPoint presentation titled ‘My Story’. The boys had one hour and forty minutes working alongside Rik both in the classroom and in the school’s sports hall working on team building and self-esteem exercises.

Rik with pupils

The final sessions of the day saw Rik speaking with two separate Year 10 PE classes. The pupils were shown Rik’s training schedules and how the combination of training and diet can be a winning fusion. Many questions were asked in the classroom and the pupils were fully engaged. Two pupils had their picture taken alongside Rik as he holds the silver medal he won in the London 2012 Paralympian cycling event.

* Rik brought along a ‘mini-me’, he has had a Lego figure modelled on him, complete with bicycle!
