Holy Cross In Bloom

4 June 2015

HX In Bloom

Holy Cross hope for a blooming good summer as they prepare for Chorley in Bloom.

Holy Cross are one of just two Chorley schools taking part in the North West element of the annual competition – Astley Park is the other – and they will be working alongside local businesses and voluntary organisations to win the ‘In Bloom’ title.

Horticulture teacher, Joanna Hughes, alongside the students, will be making sure the 15 large raised flower beds at the school are brimming with creativity and colour when the judging takes place in July.

It’s all part of the school’s passion for horticulture as they want students to have hands-on experience in their state-of-the-art glasshouse which has a classroom incorporated in it.

In Year Seven, students are introduced to the basics of how to grow food and plants from seed and bulbs while Year Eight emphasises the science aspect of growing flowering and non-flowering and edible plants.

By Year Nine, there is a crossover with GCSE Biology as students study the impact the environment has on plants, among other issues.

“The children enjoy the calm, relaxing atmosphere of the lessons, especially when the weather is good!” said teacher Miss Hughes.

“They keenly embrace all aspects of learning, both the theory and practical sides  and enjoy sharing ‘growing’ experiences with each other.  The children did not realise how many careers  this subject lends itself to – for example, tree surgery, landscaping, nursery management -and they do seem to love the subject.

“They can’t wait for Chorley in Bloom – they want to win!”