Holy Cross Millionaires

5 June 2015


It’s always nice to be a millionaire – although the Holy Cross students have reached it in words rather than money!

Holy Cross takes part in the ‘Accelerated Reading’ programme which is a vital part of the new library development at the school which opened last year.

The new library cost £70,000 and features an ICT suite with Accelerated Reader software and so students are encouraged to read and then take a quiz on the books – which they have to pass.

Year Seven student, Ada, was the first word millionaire and is now a millionaire four times over as she has read a staggering 54 books since November.

“I just enjoy reading,” said Ada. “It’s not a hardship.”

“Ada was awarded a certificate and book token for her million words although now she is up to four million words which shows her dedication,” said Library Manager Lisa Rushton.

Six other pupils have joined Ada as word millionaires and two of them have read over two million as Year Seven students, Ellie and Ryan, have both read more than 30 books.

Keziah and Dominic are more Year Seven millionaires while Joe and Eleanor are in Year Eight and these will all receive certificates and book tokens.

“I like fantasy and adventure books,” said Eleanor.

“The Accelerated Reading programme helps to improve the reading ages of the students and they have really embraced it,” said Ms Rushton.

“They also love the new  library. As well as a teaching space and the ICT Suite,  we have an improved Modern Foreign Languages section, with both fiction and non-fiction and Harry Potter is available in French, German and Spanish so it certainly tests the students!”