Talented Sarah achieves place at specialist blind school

9 June 2015

Sarah - Guitar

A talented musician from Holy Cross has fulfilled her dream of securing a place at a specialist blind school.

Sarah, 16, who was born blind, has received a funded placement from Lancashire County Council at New College Worcester, a specialist college for the blind, which she will start in September.

There she is relishing the chance of studying A-Levels in Music, English Literature and Psychology and also excited about getting a guide dog to help her adapt to her new life.

Sarah has never believed her blindness is a challenge and has coped well, attending main stream schools in St Bede’s Primary School and Holy Cross.

“I have never really had to overcome any adversities, I am just normal and it’s fun,” smiled Sarah.

While Sarah thinks she hasn’t done anything special, her teaching assistant Sharon Stone, who has been with her for six years, is so proud.

“Sarah has been amazing,” said Sharon, who will now leave Sarah when she moves on in September.

“I remember coming to Holy Cross when we knew she was coming here so she could get her bearings and then being with her, but letting her find her own way to lessons. It took a while but we got there!

“Sarah just gets on with everything. She has had her ups and downs like every student but she is amazing – I can’t praise her enough.”

Not only has Sarah had to cope with finding her way around, she has also been dedicated to her music and is a strong singer as well as playing the guitar.

“It has been hard as a lot of people learn music by copying their teacher and obviously I can’t do that,” said Sarah.

“There has to be other ways of doing it and people do forget I am blind at times but I can recognise the sounds and I have picked it up.

“Now I am going to a specialist college for the visually impaired and everything will be there for me to help me develop my musical side, they will have everything I need.”

Sarah is the only blind student at Holy Cross and Ms Stone admitted, when sitting in lessons, the teachers have had to make sure they have Braille copies of everything for Sarah and she has had to cope with the demands of using it, which can be difficult for scientific graphs or music.

But Sarah hasn’t let it stop her and she sat two GCSEs last year in Year 10 and is on track to secure the top grades this summer.

And Lancashire County Council have seen the potential in her and have offered to fund this placement – they are rarely offered on first application.

“I am excited now as I want my independence,” said Sarah. “I am in the process of getting a guide dog which will help and Worcester College will have everything I need. I want to be a music therapist and I just can’t wait.”

Holy Cross Head teacher Mr Gaughan said: “We’re very proud of Sarah. She has achieved great things because of her love of life, positive attitude and resilience. She is an example to us all.”