Battle of the Bands winners 2015

15 July 2015

BotB winners 2015

Holy Cross were rocking as the school celebrated its third annual Battle of the Bands.

The competition is a culmination of work undertaken in Year 9 where pupils follow the Musical Futures initiative and work in bands to develop their musical skills.

The competition featured 11 of the best bands in the year group who battled it out to be crowned champions.

Head of Music Mrs Beverley Harrison said: “The great thing about this competition is that many of the pupils only began playing their band instrument at the beginning of Year 9 and by the end of the year they are prepared to stand up in front of their peers and demonstrate the amazing progress they have made.  It’s such a joy to part of their musical journey.”

The winning band was “White Knuckle Ride” featuring Joe on vocals, Harry on guitar, Levi on bass guitar, Lucy on keyboard and William on drums.