Holy Cross teach British Values

16 July 2015

British Values2

Holy Cross was one of 38 Catholic secondary schools and sixth form colleges which came together to offer one voice on the subject of British values.

Attendees came from different cultural and religious backgrounds to St Helens Rugby Football Club to develop teaching and learning resources based on British values that would be implemented in schools across the region.

Communities from the Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary School’s Partnership selected students from Years 10 and 12 from its eight local authorities to participate in a conference, all aiming to tackle the complex question of ‘What are British values?’

Holy Cross was represented by four Year 10 Student Council Members – Darryl, Kathryn, Owen and Emily.

They took part in activities throughout the day and there were also speakers who helped to shape young people’s understanding of how Catholic values, personal values and British values are all interlinked.

The four Holy Cross students returned to school to implement what they learnt.

For more information on the conference’s aims and mission statement visit the Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary School’s Partnership at www.lassp.co.uk and follow links to the photo gallery and search for upcoming events.