Safety alert for all High School Pupils in the Chorley Area

7 September 2015

On Friday the 4th of September 2015 between 15:00hrs and 15:15hrs a female pupil aged 12 from Parklands High School was walking alone down Yarrow Valley Way when, whilst crossing between footpaths set back from the road at one of the roundabouts she was approached by a lone male from behind who took hold of her hips then squeezed her bottom before running off generally in the direction of Coppull.

This male is described as a white skinned, 40 years old.  5ft 7inches in height of very slim build. His hair is described as short and dark going grey at the back. He was wearing a long sleeved green checked shirt and baggy blue jeans with white trainers. Of particular note he is described as wearing black leather gloves.

Please advise all pupils to be on their guard, to walk in pairs if at all possible and to report anyone acting suspiciously to the police immediately.

Any non urgent information can be passed to the officer in the case PC 1983 McCABE at Chorley Police station via the Lancashire police web site using the following link: