Holy Cross hopeful aims for Les Miserables

6 October 2015


Joe wanted to be the next Billy Elliott – but now his focus is on Les Miserables!

The Holy Cross Catholic High School student, 14, took up dancing at a young age to follow in the footsteps of his sister Dominique.

“Initially I got involved at Stagecoach Theatre Arts School for acting but I stopped going and my sister Dominique is now a dancer abroad and she got me involved in dancing when I was eight.

“I have been doing that for six years now at Anita Murray School of Dancing in Chorley practising  ballet, jazz, streetdance, tap and more.

“I did audition for Billy Elliott once when I was in primary school but I think but I was too young!”

But that hasn’t stopped him getting the roles as, when he was 11, he took part in an English Youth Ballet production of Swan Lake at the Guild Hall in Preston and last year he performed in Matthew Bourne’s Lord of the Flies.

“Swan Lake was amazing, it was just working with professional dancers, while Matthew Bourne’s  is the biggest contemporary dance company in the world and I had a brief solo part so that was something else.”

However a part in a school production of Oliver! last year changed his direction, especially as he was under the tutelage of former West End star and now Holy Cross drama teacher Kate Chapman.

“I played the Artful Dodger and I loved every single minute of it, Ms Chapman and the drama teachers at Holy Cross inspired me and I decided I wanted to act again and sing.

“I have always had a strong voice and I took up acting classes again at Little Voices in Preston and singing lessons with Liz Singleton, who has starred in Les Miserables in the West End.”

And it wasn’t long before he was on the books of a London agency Jonathan Arun in London.

“I have had professional headshots done and now it’s a case of just waiting for auditions. It is exciting but I have also got to be patient. My dream role is Marius in Les Miserables in the West End.”

And do his friends appreciate his singing, dancing and acting talents?

“I always have to be the entertainer for them!” Joe added.