Taylor’s 100 per cent record

31 May 2018

Reliable Taylor has battled colds, flu and even tonsillitis but he has made it into school every day for the last nine years.

Taylor, 16, is a pupil at Holy Cross and before that was at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Chorley.

The Deputy Head Boy has never had a day off at either school and is proud of his achievement.

“It did become something I really wanted, I wanted to go through school without having a day off for sickness,” said Taylor.

“I had a spot of tonsillitis once but I battled through it and my mum and dad both encouraged me to go to school.

“Some of my friends think it’s impressive, others think it’s a bit sad but I am proud of this record.”

Taylor is currently taking his GCSEs and wants to go onto Blackburn College and study Media Production.

“I already do quite a lot of work with Chorley Little Theatre behind the scenes, setting up shows, working on lighting and so on so I have had quite a lot of work experience.

“The course involves camera work, script writing and making films and I have got a place, dependent on my grades. I want to carry on my 100 per cent record as well!”