Skater helps Y10 students

19 September 2018

World Champion skater Jenna Downing glided into Holy Cross Catholic High School and will act as a mentor for 12 Year 11 girls who are building up to their GCSEs.

Inline skater Jenna is a ten times British Champion and is working with the Youth Sport Trust as part of their ‘Get Exam Fit’ programme.

Get Exam Fit is a package of support which helps build the confidence of students, manage their physical and emotional wellbeing and achieve their potential in school examinations.

They use high profile athletes during the school year, to come in and talk to the students, hold workshops and support them.

“It’s about helping students reduce exam pressure,” said PE teacher Mr Stokes. “Jenna is an inspiration – she had won all her British Championships by the time she was 21 so she knows how to deal with pressure at the highest level.

“Our students learnt about Jenna’s background, what she has achieved and how she dealt with the stress of being a top athlete at a young age and how she coped with it.”