A message to Year 10

19 May 2020

A message to Year 10 pupils and parents

I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I know the recent announcements about schools reopening will be causing some concern, not least because of a lack of clarity and detail.

Information for parents can be found on the website https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Over the next few days various discussions are taking place nationally, at County level, between local and Archdiocesan Headteachers to put together a sensible, safe and workable plan for providing more support for Year 10. As soon as there is a plan we will let you know.

We are not going to rush into making rash decisions which cannot be delivered safely. We will think carefully, listen to the best advice and act appropriately; we will do what is in the best interests of our pupils whilst continually being mindful of pupil and staff wellbeing and health.

Take care and stay safe,

Mr Gaughan