Making Mince Pies with Mr Callander

11 December 2020

Mr Callander, our Head of Food and Nutrition, has recorded a festive Food Technology lesson on making mince pies for the children who may be joining us in September at Holy Cross. Mr Callander’s recipe is easy to follow and he will guide you through each step of the process to help you create the perfect Christmas treat. If you get involved, we would love to see pictures of you baking in action as well as your finished result. Please send pictures to

Merry Christmas and happy baking!


Pâte Sucrée
Pate sucree means sweet pastry and is enriched with egg yolks and sweetened with icing sugar.
250g plain flour
125g unsalted butter, chilled
60g icing sugar
4 medium egg yolks or 3 large egg yolks, beaten
Jar mincemeat (approx 500g)


Shortcrust pastry
250g plain flour
60g margarine or butter
60g lard
Pinch of salt
5 tablespoon cold water to mix

One fluted 7.5cm cutter
One fluted 6cm cutter


Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6, 200˚C.
Method – pate sucree
1. Sieve the flour into a bowl and add the butter in small pieces.
2. Rub in the butter until it resembles breadcrumbs using fingertips.
3. Sieve in the icing sugar.
4. Add the beaten egg yolks and mix to a firm dough.
5. If time permits, wrap in cling film and chill for 20 mins.
6. Roll pastry out and use cutters to cut 12 large circles and 12 small circles.
7. Line patty tins with the larger circle and put a teaspoon of mincemeat in each one.
8. Wet the edges with water and place a small circle on top of each and seal edges.
9. Glaze tops with milk and make 2 snips in the tops with a pair of scissors.
10. Bake for 25 mins until light golden brown.
11. Cool on a wire rack and lightly dust with icing sugar.

Method – shortcrust pastry
As above but instead of adding icing sugar and egg yolks, mix in water to form a dough.