Holy Cross is oversubscribed for 2015-2016

18 March 2015

Holy Cross is fast becoming the place to be as they are oversubscribed for Year Sevens.

The Chorley high school is full-up for the first time in two years with well over 165 applications for places, with pupils keen to enrol for August 2015.

The school’s successful GCSE results, their focus on developing the individual talents of each student and their enterprising teachers, including an Olympian in PE teacher Mr Stokes and a West End star in Drama teacher Ms Chapman, have made it the number one choice for many Year Six pupils.

“We are absolutely delighted,” said Head Teacher Mr Gaughan, who took over last year. “We have been shouting about Holy Cross – and there is plenty to shout about.

“Our Head of Year Seven Transition, Ms Hardy, has been working hard in parishes and primary schools to tell pupils all about our school and the great lessons and extra-curricular activities we offer.

“We have had real Moon rock in our science classes, we have had rave reviews on our recent production of Oliver! and we have sports stars among our students.

“We still have some places in current Years Sevens and Eights but these are now starting to fill up as more people realise what a great school this is.”
