Year 7 raise over £1000 for Macmillan charity

26 March 2015

It was a day of ‘Run, Ride and Row’ for Holy Cross Catholic High school Year Seven students who raised a  staggering £1232.23 for the Macmillan Cancer charity.

It was their PSHE – Personal, Social and Health Education – week and over the course of one school day  during the week the students kept two bikes, two rowing machines and five skipping ropes going, taking shifts on each.

They also baked cakes and sold them at lunch time and they finished their hectic day off with a 100 minute   “Zumbathon”, in which every member of the year group took part.

The 136 students – and seven staff – collected sponsors  and in one day raised the huge amount for their chosen charity.

The Chorley school also had a visit from a Macmillan nurse who talked to them about their work and how their fundraising will help the charity.

“I must give a special mention to class 7C and some individuals, Tom, Emily and Luke for their efforts and fantastic sums raised,” said Head of Year Seven, Gemma Hardy.

“I was absolutely amazed at how much we’d raised, not because of the children, as they have proven to be generous on many an occasion,  but because of the sheer amount we raised in just one day.”

Year 7 fundraisers