Amy Winhouse Resilience Programme

25 September 2015


Holy Cross students admitted it was a ’real eye opener’ when they were given a talk about drugs and alcohol abuse as part of the Amy Winehouse Resilience Programme.

The programme is a drug and alcohol awareness and prevention programme for secondary schools.

Teacher Mr Poulton said: “The full Resilience Programme will be delivered to Years Eight, Nine and 10 over a three year timetable while Years Seven and 11 will get a shorter, more tailored version. It will be delivered to around 450 pupils so we can measure the progress and impact on training.”

It was arranged by co-ordinator of PSHE Mr Poulton, Assistant Head for Pastoral Care Mr Morris and Deputy Head Mrs Rigby.

“We decided to do it because we wanted to re-visit and refresh our PSHE provision,” Mr Poulton continued. “We wanted to give our young people the most effective programme that would help them make informed to choices as young adults.

“We believed it’s important that they are properly informed about alcohol and drugs and able to make their own choices regardless of pressure from peers and the media.

“The Amy Winehouse Foundation, Working with Addaction, are the leaders in national provision in this area and we are very glad to have them working with our children.”

Holy Cross students admitted they were moved by the stories.

Student, Caitlin, said: “A drug and then an alcohol addict told us about their lives and the consequences of what they had done. It was a real eye-opener.”

Alex-Nicole Bibby said: “I found the talk very interesting and moving. I now feel more aware of drugs and alcohol and the consequences that come with them. It definitely opened my eyes, I found it very useful.”

Charity added: “The Amy Winehouse foundation talk was very moving and it gave me an inside look into the life of someone who had misused drugs and alcohol. It opened my eyes to the consequences of taking them.”

Chris felt: “Hearing about real experiences made it powerful.”