Congratulations – World Book Day Winners!

12 March 2018

Congratulations to the following pupils who are winners of the competitions held on World Book Day:

Design the school bookmark:

WINNER = Lauren Wilson 9C – as chosen by Mr Gaughan. Lauren won a £5 book voucher and an Easter egg, and her fantastic design will be made into the official Holy Cross bookmark of 2018!
RUNNERS-UP = Bayleigh Booth 7S & Holly Barnes 8H – whose brilliant designs won them a book.

Design a book cover:

WINNER = Keeley Stanley 7L – Keeley’s Tom Gates inspired design won her a £5 book voucher and an Easter egg.
RUNNER-UP = Olivia Pape 9R – Olivia’s take on the popular novel Jurassic Park won her a book.

St. Catherine’s book raffle:

WINNER = Jasmine Hurdman 7L – Jasmine is the lucky winner and will get to choose five free books from St. Catherine’s Book Shop!

Other competitions:

Kyle Seaton 7R – he guessed correctly that The Hunger Games had been borrowed from the library more times than any other book

Erin Waugh 7S – wrote a lovely piece about her favourite book

Mary-Jane Booth 9H – the only pupil who got all questions correct in the big book quiz

Keira Southworth & Ruby Graham 7L – matched the most staff names to their favourite books

Thank you to all pupils that took part!