National prize for Eleanor

13 April 2018

Holy Cross student Eleanor has come third in a national journalism competition.

Eleanor, 16, entered the Columban Society Journalism competition and wrote a 1,000-word piece on the migrant crisis.

This competition was part of the Centenary (1918-2018) celebrations of the Columban Missionary Society.

The topic recognises the Columbans’ solidarity with and ministry to migrants in Ireland, Britain and worldwide.

Eleanor has won £100 and will go to London in June to collect her prize.
“I am really excited,” said Eleanor, who hopes to get the top grades in English. “I didn’t expect to come in the top three so it’s an honour.”

Fellow student Jennifer, was ‘highly commended.’ She admitted she had learnt a lot from the subject.

“It required a lot of research but it was an education too,” said Jennifer. “We learnt about how many migrants die fleeing countries, which countries let a number of migrants in and which don’t. It was an eye opener.”

While both students excel at English, they are aiming for careers in science with Jennifer’s dream to be a doctor and Eleanor thinking about being a vet.

Head of English Ms Marsh said: “It makes the English department at Holy Cross very proud to see that for a second time this year we have students who have been recognised in a national writing competition.

“Both Jennifer and Eleanor worked very hard on their entries and deserve every success.”