Joe is a shooting star

14 June 2018

Holy Cross student Joe is a shooting star.

The 14-year-old is a member of Blackburn Rifle and Pistol Club and has won a large number of medals – with hopes of making the Olympics.

“My grandad is treasurer at Blackburn Rifle and Pistol Club so he got me involved,” said Joe, who trains every Wednesday and Saturday. “It’s in a controlled environment and it is safe.

“I usually compete at benchrest shooting where I sit at a table and aim at targets. I recently took part in the NSRA/Eley national competition and shot 200 out of 200. I won a silver medal and I was the best junior in C rankings which means I am one of the best in the country.

“I also compete in pistol shooting competitions but the main one I am aiming for is prone shooting, where you lie on the floor. That is an Olympic sport and I want to go to the next Olympic qualifiers. I don’t know if I will be good enough but it’s worth a try!”