High fives in GCSE success!

23 August 2018

Holy Cross Catholic High School is celebrating improved results and some fantastic individual performances in their GCSEs.

Two students got five Grade 9s – a Grade 9 puts them in the top four per cent in the country – and altogether Holy Cross celebrated 39 Grade 9s and 85 Grade 8s.

“There have been some outstanding individual performances and we are celebrating over a dozen pupils who got Grade 9s – a huge achievement,” said Head Teacher Mr Gaughan.

“Overall, our results are up on last year and several of our departments have performed exceptionally well including history and languages.

“I am very proud of our students who have performed brilliantly despite the challenges of the new GCSE system.”

Eleanor Pape was high-fiving as she achieved five Grade 9s – in history, maths, RE and combined science – along with an A* and two 8s making her the highest achiever at Holy Cross.

Triathlete Charlotte Lavin also celebrated five Grade 9s – but she will keep her feet firmly on the ground as she wants to be a physiotherapist.

She celebrated outstanding results with five 9s (biology, chemistry, history, maths, RE), two 8s and two 7s.

“I have a part-time job at A6 Physio in Chorley. I work on reception but it combines sport and medicine and they are my favourite subjects. I hope to go to Newman College and study maths and biology.”

Head Girl Mia Rigby is also keen on travelling – and she hopes to live in Spain as a pediatric doctor.

Mia celebrated four 9s in chemistry, English Language, history and Spanish, three 8s one 7 and one 6.

“I love Spanish and enjoy sciences so it would be great if I could combine the two.
“I aim to go to Sir John Rigby in Wigan and study A-Levels in biology, chemistry and Spanish and see where it takes me!”

Shane Conefrey celebrated three 9s in maths, biology and physics, four 8s, one 7 and one 6 as he also excelled.

Brandon Lee has his sights set on becoming a pilot in the future.

“My great grandad was in the army and had a high ranking and I want to join the RAF,” said Brandon, who achieved two 9s in maths and science, two 8s, two 7s, two 6s and one A*.

“I love flying, I travelled a lot when I was younger and I just enjoy taking off and landing.

“I want to go onto Runshaw College and study physics, maths and PE and then do a degree in Aviation. I want to travel the world.”

Laura Seddon likes to take photographs in her spare time and hopes a qualification could turn her hobby into a career.

Laura achieved two nines (combined science), three 8s and A*.

“I want to go to Newman College and study maths, English, photography and graphics. Photography is my interest, I go to my local park and take pictures and enjoy it so it’s good to turn it into a qualification.”

Alex Owen hopes his future adds up to success as he wants to go to university to study maths.

Alex achieved two 9s in Spanish and history, three 8s , three 7s and one 6.

“I am going to Runshaw College to take A-Levels in maths, economics and biology but the ultimate aim it so go to university and do a maths degree.”

Chris Dearden hopes to pursue a career in micro-biology or forensics.

Chris achieved two 9s in chemistry and history, two 8s and five 7s – he was above target in every subject and the targets were challenging.

“I am going to Newman College to study biology, chemistry and maths. I might do something in forensics or micro-biology. I am still undecided.”

Matthew Groarke is also going to Runshaw College – to study geography, business studies and PE.

He was above target in seven out of nine subjects including Grade 8 in Spanish which was an impressive three grades above his target.

“I love PE and played in various sports teams at Holy Cross. I am not sure what to do in the future so I am keeping my options open.”

Rebecca Foley achieved nine grades with nothing less than 7.