Pupil selected for Team GB Thai Boxing

18 September 2018

Holy Cross Catholic High School student Antonia has been selected for Team GB at the World Thai Boxing Finals – and has been working on a building site to fund the trip.

Antonia, 14, has been part of Fight Science Muay Thai Club for three years after her dad joined and she decided to go along as well to keep fit.

Antonia has competed all over the UK and recently attended an event in Leicester where Team GB officials saw her and selected her, the only one from her club to be chosen, for the World Finals event in Italy in November in the 57-60kg category.

“I am nervous as it’s such a big event and, with competing for Team GB, there is more pressure,” said Antonia.

“It will be the first time I have competed abroad so it is exciting and I hope to do well.
“I train three or four times a week and run in the morning so I am dedicated to it. I like Thai Boxing as it helps with my health, my discipline and I make new friends as well as now, getting to travel abroad.”

For Antonia and her dad to make the trip to Italy, it will cost around £1,000 and the teenager has taken to working every Saturday to help to raise funds.

“I have been working on a building site in Withnell, with X and P Engineering, cleaning up and general help. I will do anything I can as it’s a dream to go.”