5 March 2019

Students tried out a variety of tasks on their SMSC Day.

SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural and it is a day to promote British Values.

Holy Cross students had visits from the fire service as they educated pupils on road traffic safety with the Wasted Lives campaign. They also discussed fire safety and the dangers surrounding water safety.

Refat Mahmood from ‘Building Stronger Communities Ltd’ explored with students issues surrounding different forms of extremism.

Author Gemma Ray came in to talk to Year 11 students about self-discipline.

“It’s about reducing the stress and anxiety of exams by being organised and disciplined,” said Gemma. “It’s not just for schools, I go into businesses and the NHS as well about living a more prepared life.”

Head Boy Zac said: “Gemma talked about being in control and breaking up revision into manageable proportions. The way one person does it, isn’t necessarily the way another person should do it so it’s about preparing the best way you can.”

In STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) students calculated the fastest Lego capsule on a zip-line.

Gillian Howells, representing Chorley Nissan, was part of a motivational Careers Lab.

‘Addaction’ were also present, giving information about the dangers of addiction.

Safety on the internet was examined as well as issues surrounding bullying or banter and potential career opportunities were considered.

Tim McKenna from ‘Every Punch Matters’ gave a very thought provoking presentation about the consequences of violent action.

“Year 7’s were given time to bond in their tutor groups in the form of team building games,” said organiser Mr Preston.

“There were thought- provoking presentations on health issues and relationship issues were sensitively and responsibly explored.

“It was an eventful day in which both pupils and staff enjoyed and left all with much to reflect upon.”