World Book Day Tutor Competition

18 March 2019

Tutor groups have been busy decorating their doors in the theme of a book style or cover to celebrate World Book Day. As in previous years, the level of effort put into the designs was amazing and the competition was fierce!

So a huge well done to our winning Tutor groups:

  • 7H Mrs Haley – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & The Hobbit
  • Y8 Miss Calver – Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  • Y9 Mrs Lucas – Great Expectations
  • Y10 Mr Lingard – Jaws
  • Y11 Miss Maxwell – The Chronicles of Narnia

Also, a massive well done to Mrs Haley and 7H on winning the whole-school competition with their doors on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Hobbit. Well done!

Each winning tutor received a prize and the overall winners 7H are also being treated to a breakfast in the library next week.

Thanks to everyone that got involved – we were overwhelmed again with so many fantastic designs and it was difficult for the judges to choose the winners!