Free School Meal Vouchers

28 April 2020

Free School Meal Vouchers Update – 28 April 2020

Parents of entitled families will have received a new code for this week within the last 24 hours.

We have seen a higher rate of issues since Monday morning than we have in previous weeks. We have noted that a number of codes seem to show an error or later stages of the voucher purchasing fail. We have worked directly with a small number of families who have experienced this during Monday.

We are finding that each week shows a significant spike in requests to the claiming website. This seems in turn to cause these errors. All codes issued should be valid until claimed, however, I would strongly advise parents to only attempt to claim their codes after 6pm and before 9am. This will allow for shorter wait times to claim your vouchers and ensure the lowest chance of issues.

All families who have been in contact regarding the problems yesterday are now awaiting their vouchers and I would like to thank them for their time and effort in working with us to test our findings.

As before all voucher orders are being processed once placed, but please do allow more than the advertised 24 hours for those vouchers to reach you. In our previous experience this can take over 48 hours to complete.

We continue to monitor the situation and will support our families where possible. Thanks again for your understanding whilst your codes and vouchers are processed.

Direct suppor is also available from Edenred at:

Mr Cowley – ICT Manager.


The Department for Education (DfE) has issued new instructions to schools on the provision of free school meal vouchers to entitled families for both during and after the Easter holidays.

This announcement was only made by the DfE over the weekend.

The admin team at Holy Cross already has this underway.  In due course, qualifying parents will receive voucher codes via email on a weekly basis directly from the DfE and the Select Eden Red service.

Using these codes, you will be able to select which store to use the vouchers at from a given list.

Details on how to access your vouchers once you receive your codes can be found in this information booklet.

Once you receive your voucher codes, you will be asked to visit to activate your vouchers.