Covid-19 Update – January 2021

7 January 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

As you will know from the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday, most pupils will not be attending school until at least February half ter.

Remote Learning

For the majority of learners, lessons will be delivered remotely through a mix of Microsoft Teams, live and recorded lessons, and tasks set on Show My Homework.  Guidance for pupils and parents has already been issued via Show My Homework and we are currently updating our remote learning section of the website which will be available soon. 

In the event of technical difficulties, please contact

Pupils should follow their daily timetable (Weeks A and B) and participate in all lessons and tasks. We will remind them of the week each Monday morning on Show My Homework.  Pupils should aim to do a minimum of four hours work per day Monday to Friday.

Pupils’ attendance and engagement in learning activities will be monitored and we will let you know if there is a problem.  After the first lockdown, the only pupils who had significant gaps in their learning were those who hadn’t engaged in the work.  This shows how important it is for all pupils to continue working.  School is not closed, it is just operating differently.

Your child’s form tutor will carry out a support call over the next few weeks to make sure there are no problems, that your child can access lessons and to offer support and guidance.

2021 Examinations

I have written separately to Year 11 pupils and parents.  GCSE examinations are not going to happen as planned.  We will keep parents and pupils informed of any updates from the DfE and Ofqual. 

Year 9 Options

The Options process will go ahead this half term.  Further information will be sent out shortly including video presentations from departments, advice and guidance, instructions and deadlines. Year 9 Form tutors will also make calls to pupils during this period to check they are happy with the process.

Physical and Mental Health

During the coming months it is very important to keep physically as well as mentally active.  Joe Wickes is starting his free lockdown PE lessons from 9 January.   Our PE staff will be signposting a range of activities on Twitter during lockdown. 


If you have any concerns please contact

Please look at our website ( and Twitter feed (@holycrosschorl)
for rolling news and updates.  I will write to you when there are significant updates.

The latest government information and guidance can be found on

We are living through uncertain and challenging times.  Holy Cross is not closed; all our staff are working full time to deliver a quality curriculum and pastoral support so our children are able to make progress and flourish.

I hope you and your family stay healthy and safe.

Yours sincerely
Mr I Gaughan

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