2021 Examinations

8 January 2021

Dear Year 11 Pupil and Parents

2021 Examinations

As you will have seen from the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, the government “does not think it is possible for exams to go ahead fairly this summer”. This leaves considerable uncertainty and, therefore, stress for pupils and parents.

Tutors will be contacting all Year 11 pupils in due course to offer reassurance and guidance based on what we currently know.

As mock examination results are likely to form part of the data we provide to Ofqual we are not releasing those results in isolation; they do not give a full picture of a pupils’ progress or attainment and may be ultimately misleading. Also some pupils did not sit full mocks due to illness or

The best advice we can give to Year 11 pupils at this stage is to keep working because:

  • It is very likely that teachers will have to provide evidence of attainment and effort as part of the process of awarding grades
  • If a pupil stops working, they will regress. GCSE study is part of a process leading to further and higher education, training and work. That process hasn’t stopped; you are working for your own future
  • Teachers will still be setting appropriate, demanding work; our expectation is that it will be done. Teachers are continuously assessing pupils’ work
  • A report will be sent home week beginning 18 January indicating learning levels and targets.

I know there is still a lot of uncertainty. What I can tell you is that centre-assessed grades will be awarded fairly and accurately based on progress data, attainment data and effort. We will do everything we can to make sure our pupils get the grades they deserve.

I hope this provides some reassurance and guidance and we will keep you updated as new information comes in.

Yours sincerely
Mr I Gaughan

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