Return to School and Testing Update

10 March 2021

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to update you on the return to full opening.

Our attendance for the first few days has been 96.9% which is in line with normal expectations.

We have now tested all pupils who have consent. 650 tests have been conducted and there have been no positive results, we will be conducting two more tests per pupil and then the home testing will commence. Testing packs and full guidance on home testing should be distributed next week.

Thank you for your, and our children’s co-operation with increased mask wearing. This requirement will be reviewed by government and hopefully revoked by Easter. We will keep you informed.

Our pupils have been magnificent. From first thing Monday morning they have been engaged, co-operative and cheerful. It is a pleasure to have them all back.

Thank you for your continued co-operation.

Yours sincerely
I Gaughan

[ Download the full letter here ]