Holy Cross is a Catholic School: we are committed to providing a Catholic education for everyone who chooses to come here.

We believe that education is about developing young people to become rounded adults who contribute to making our world a better place. To do this we deliver a holistic education, developing our pupils spiritually, emotionally, academically, physically, and morally.

Our ethos is founded in the teaching of Jesus and the Gospel value of love. Our pupils flourish knowing they are loved by God and by those around them. We are a community which supports all its members and enables them to grow, develop and thrive.

All members of our school community live by our mission statement.

“I have come that they may have life and have it to  the full” (John 10:10)

At Holy Cross this means:

Love God

Work Hard

Be Kind

Loving God means living out our faith through positive action. It means loving our fellow man, in our own community and across the world. It means loving and respecting our world.

Working hard means making the best of our God-given talents and potential. It means taking opportunities provided for us in and out of school, in and out of class.

Being kind means treating others as we would want to treated, regardless of who they are.

Our School Prayer


May our school be full of welcoming

Let our rooms be full of happiness

Let learning fill our day

Teach us to respect ourselves

Give us the strength to do our best

Give us the skill to use our talents wisely

Lord, make this school your home



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