Personal Development Overview

Intent Personal Development at Holy Cross has the purpose of educating pupils about the society that they are growing up in and providing them with the opportunity to develop and ...

Duke Of Edinburgh

Holy Cross has a long association with the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme.  All Year 10 pupils are offered the opportunity to take part in the Bronze Award.  The scheme teaches pup...

Health and Mind

Intent Growing up in an ever-changing world means that keeping yourself mentally and physically healthy is pivotal for success.At Holy Cross pupils receive fortnightly session...

Relationships and Sex Education

The spiritual development of pupils is of the utmost importance and the reason for the school’s existence.  All pupils receive two and a half hours of Religious Education each w...


Safeguarding At Holy Cross we have measures in place to ensure protection of the health, wellbeing and human rights of the children in our care. Holy Cross has a duty of care to ...

Wellbeing Resources

Wellbeing has been defined as the combination of feeling good and functioning well.  It allows each individual to realise their own potential, to cope with the normal stresses of ...

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