
Personal Development at Holy Cross has the purpose of educating pupils about the society that they are growing up in and providing them with the opportunity to develop and grow personally.  Pupils will know and understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a pupil in our school and as an adult in the future.  Our aim as a school is to help shape our pupils’ minds so that they have the confidence to be an active citizen in modern day Britain.  The curriculum journey focuses on pupils’ physical and emotional health and gives them the skills and values to keep themselves safe.  Personal Development allows pupils to enhance our mission statement of ‘Living life to the full’ and develops skills and characteristics that will be pivotal in their future lives.  Since September 2020 RSE has become statutory for schools to deliver. As a result, pupils will have sessions that are delivered using the Archdiocese of Liverpool’s 10:10 resources.  Pupils learn about healthy emotional and physical relationships and skills to ensure that these relationships continue into adulthood.

British Values v1
Pathway Poster - Personal Development v3
Year 7-11 Scheme of Work

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